Monday, September 8, 2008

Look at that Scrotum!

This is the downtown of Wasilla, Alaska, where your potential Vice President was two short years ago. Population 5500.

You gotta hand it to them, that Grand Old Party, they got Big BALLS! I am almost dizzy with the amount of new "crap" that is coming out about the VP pick. What the hell is going on here...have they focus grouped and decided that if they make politics look more like soap operas, they'll secure their viewership? I think Karl Rove is lurking.... OK, be that as it may these still are facts:

1. Sarah Palin smoked pot, (but GOP says, you can't ask her about it...what?)
2. She was named in a divorce suit for having an affair with one of the petitioners. (off limits.)
3. Palin is currently in the middle of a controversial gas pipeline project in Alaska. She’s favored the ‘Trans Canada’ proposal that will run the pipeline through Canada, in effect shipping US jobs over the border...(Alaska problems are not really on the agenda.)
4. She is also suing the federal government over listing the polar bears as a threatened species. (well come on, someone in Alaska needs to eat those guys.)
5. Sarah Palin is currently under an ethics investigation by the Alaska state legislature. (after only 20 months in the office, stop it.)

Somewhere in my mind I'm thinking I just can't have my children idolize this idiot. I KNOW SHE IS THE FIRST WOMAN VP ON THE TICKET. But she didn't earn it. She's a token girl being tossed out to lure the hungry voters. Sad and silly, and we're letting them by with it. I think not!

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