Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Feeling American??

I got another email, touting the rights' extreme hate for the left. This after I'd read all the blogs under the GOP convention coverage. I sat pondering the horrible divide in this country, then googled american's leaving the USA. I don't really think Panama is for me. Although I love the familycentric cultures of Latin America.

Then I gazed out my windows into my green beautiful front yard, and recalled an article I'd read last night about a Darfur Lady doctor, Halima Bashir, that was tortured, and gang raped, because she reported to a red cross investigator about treating children who were victims of gang rapes at a primary school. She escaped and is trying to get to the US to speak out against the horrors of Darfur. I'm sitting here thinking of leaving because republican, democratic, and us media coverage makes me irritable. What a baby, right??

I suppose that I should stick my O sign out in the pretty yard, and just wait for November. Stop worrying about it, and wondering "what if" we continue along the path we are on now? What happens if inflation keeps rising and my retired teacher mom can't afford to live on her own anymore? She's only 5 years older than McCain, but she didn't marry a millionaire. She is the widow of another teacher...RIP.
No, I hate all the "hate" filled speeches and emails and blogs. It should not be this difficult to decide who will run this country. But I guess we really have gotten too big to be governed efficiently, when we can't even decide reasonably who should do it.
I will pray that God shines a light down upon all of us so that we choose rather than be schmoozed. That the veil of hype and spin for better ratings is suspended in time and the truth of the state of our world spills out. I will pray that God have mercy on the souless bottom feeders, that really don't care about themselves, much less any one else. That for a few moments we will receive GOD colored glasses that don't see color, status, gender, or religious preferences, only the beating hearts, and restless souls of those around us. Wow, I'm sounding almost religious!
I need to stop watching the campaign and blogging on the net for awhile. I must be suffering burn out. HA HA HA HA. Just kidding, I'm gettin on my scooter and buzzing over to the DNC headquaters, getting my sign and volunteering to work! Had you going for a second though, didn't I? I'm still a BOBBING AMERICAN!!!

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