Wednesday, September 24, 2008

McCain is INSANE

I think he may have alzheimer's and his staff and advisors are covering for him. He makes no sense to even his own party. He is cancelling the most important debate of the season to go to Washington and do????? NOTHING. He is not on any of the committees enlisted to solve the problem. He is a self confessed ignorant in economics and policy. Even though the debate was to be on Foreign Policy, a subject he claims to OWN, he cancelled. Well, at least he is cognizant (or one of his advisors is) that there is no way the topics won't be steered toward the CRISIS. He can't compete, therefore he WON'T play.
added little table scrap: SARAH PALIN DOES THE UN!!! Yep, she did it, she flirted, gave up alittle knee, patted, winked, and giggled for the foreign dignitaries. Photographers there have already started blogging about HOW WELL she worked the all male a Hooter's recruit. Sigh, it's gonna be a long month, watching as she drags women deeper into the sexist hole. AW WTF....maybe we should stay home and raise kids, and then run for mayor....

Sunday, September 21, 2008

John McCain = Keating 5

Counting on the impossibly short memory of the American public must be paying off. Johnny has no ethics, and check out the number of lobbyist in his advisory staff. CROOK, CROOK, CROOK!!! I REMEMBER THE SAVINGS AND LOANS SCANDAL...

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Bail ME OUT!!!

I am sorry, but absolutely NONE of what the government is planning makes any sense to me at all. The fact that BOTH candidates are even considering this bailout scares the hell out of me. We can't afford to do this. We are too unstable to support this kind of manipulation. We need to be vocal like we have never been before. STOP THIS madness, before we are thrown into the worst crisis in history next to the fall of Rome.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Reality as it appears Today

Just when I was dustin off the passports, thinking well, honey, where will we move to... I stumbled upon this video. The Cleese/Palin ticket would be spot on about now....It has a way of making American Politics make much better sense. I think we all need to be reminded of this at times. Enjoy, as if it is therapy, I say. Then listen again to Ron Paul and Ralph Nader with Blitzer. It helps. I promise. Plus, check out Mr. Palin's glasses....very chic as well I think.

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hold my Horses...

I was getting a little sick of hearing how McCain is ahead, then hearing how Obama may be misleading us...and I started googling, and yahooing and even BBCing, and then got so tired of it I just signed off. I thought, I don't like any of this media melodrama bull. I HATE IT. I'm a democrat by birth, and have so much compassion for those less fortunate than me, BECAUSE I am so grateful to be and to have what I have....and I watch this bologna and feel somehow cheated. Just as I was thinking, TORONTO sounds interesting...I ran across this video. It reminded me why I was so enthusiastic in the first place. It reminded me about where the real issues and the real American's really are! They are believing the same things that I do, and these men do. THEY ARE being romanced by the media, like a great but cheesy soap opera. Watch and enjoy, and rejoin the fight. IF THESE GREAT MEN, CAN STAY THE COURSE, so must we all.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Look at that Scrotum!

This is the downtown of Wasilla, Alaska, where your potential Vice President was two short years ago. Population 5500.

You gotta hand it to them, that Grand Old Party, they got Big BALLS! I am almost dizzy with the amount of new "crap" that is coming out about the VP pick. What the hell is going on here...have they focus grouped and decided that if they make politics look more like soap operas, they'll secure their viewership? I think Karl Rove is lurking.... OK, be that as it may these still are facts:

1. Sarah Palin smoked pot, (but GOP says, you can't ask her about it...what?)
2. She was named in a divorce suit for having an affair with one of the petitioners. (off limits.)
3. Palin is currently in the middle of a controversial gas pipeline project in Alaska. She’s favored the ‘Trans Canada’ proposal that will run the pipeline through Canada, in effect shipping US jobs over the border...(Alaska problems are not really on the agenda.)
4. She is also suing the federal government over listing the polar bears as a threatened species. (well come on, someone in Alaska needs to eat those guys.)
5. Sarah Palin is currently under an ethics investigation by the Alaska state legislature. (after only 20 months in the office, stop it.)

Somewhere in my mind I'm thinking I just can't have my children idolize this idiot. I KNOW SHE IS THE FIRST WOMAN VP ON THE TICKET. But she didn't earn it. She's a token girl being tossed out to lure the hungry voters. Sad and silly, and we're letting them by with it. I think not!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Sarah Palin is Pitiful

I am always amazed at the brilliance of John Stewart. He gets things, that just fly right past the most of us. Keep the faith, the republicans can't keep pulling their cowboy hats over their eyes... They'll have to peek out at some point. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Feeling American??

I got another email, touting the rights' extreme hate for the left. This after I'd read all the blogs under the GOP convention coverage. I sat pondering the horrible divide in this country, then googled american's leaving the USA. I don't really think Panama is for me. Although I love the familycentric cultures of Latin America.

Then I gazed out my windows into my green beautiful front yard, and recalled an article I'd read last night about a Darfur Lady doctor, Halima Bashir, that was tortured, and gang raped, because she reported to a red cross investigator about treating children who were victims of gang rapes at a primary school. She escaped and is trying to get to the US to speak out against the horrors of Darfur. I'm sitting here thinking of leaving because republican, democratic, and us media coverage makes me irritable. What a baby, right??

I suppose that I should stick my O sign out in the pretty yard, and just wait for November. Stop worrying about it, and wondering "what if" we continue along the path we are on now? What happens if inflation keeps rising and my retired teacher mom can't afford to live on her own anymore? She's only 5 years older than McCain, but she didn't marry a millionaire. She is the widow of another teacher...RIP.
No, I hate all the "hate" filled speeches and emails and blogs. It should not be this difficult to decide who will run this country. But I guess we really have gotten too big to be governed efficiently, when we can't even decide reasonably who should do it.
I will pray that God shines a light down upon all of us so that we choose rather than be schmoozed. That the veil of hype and spin for better ratings is suspended in time and the truth of the state of our world spills out. I will pray that God have mercy on the souless bottom feeders, that really don't care about themselves, much less any one else. That for a few moments we will receive GOD colored glasses that don't see color, status, gender, or religious preferences, only the beating hearts, and restless souls of those around us. Wow, I'm sounding almost religious!
I need to stop watching the campaign and blogging on the net for awhile. I must be suffering burn out. HA HA HA HA. Just kidding, I'm gettin on my scooter and buzzing over to the DNC headquaters, getting my sign and volunteering to work! Had you going for a second though, didn't I? I'm still a BOBBING AMERICAN!!!

Monday, September 1, 2008


Well why the hell am I surprised that the republicans are again showing their repugnancy? Sarah Palin. When I googled her the day after the announcement I found governors office photo shots with her on her couch draped with a grizzly bear skin. Well, I thought, ISN'T THIS PLEASANT. Then I read on about her unwillingness to even acknowledge the Polar Bear crisis...and I thought, hmmm, I bet she drives an Escalade!! She does. Of course she has actual children to put into it, and that is good. She claims actions in Alaska that just aren't substantiated, and the media keeps buying it. The latest episode in the ongoing Palin saga is the 17 year old pregnant daughter...oh brother. This is the child Sarah kept home 8 months last year for mononucleosis, then suprise, Mommy had a baby...that clings to the 17 year old suspiciously.... Well here's a wake up call Sarah Palin...

Normal Mommy's would never drag their troubled 17 year old children into the national spotlight. Good mom's would put the careers on HOLD while they deal with their crisis personally.

This lady is a pretty big fraud. Shame on John McCain for thinking so little of the American public as to run her.