Friday, July 18, 2008

Phil Gramm's Epitaph

Thank you God, for retiring this guy. For all the years we suffered him here in Texas, I must say he reminded me of a charactuer of the old snapping turtle. He walked like one, talked like one, and certainly legislated accordingly. I can only say that his leaving office was second only to BUSH leaving the governor's mansion.
So here's to you, you big nasty.... And after he made a complete fool of himself once again, by calling us all "whiners" suffering "mental recession"....he stepped down. But don't mistake, he DID NOT apologize or take it back. He did not plead a misunderstanding or misinterpretation. He just threw up his manicured hands and almost Nixon like....skulked off. Happy day here!!

About Phil Gramm, courtesy of the late, much mourned Molly Ivins:
When he ran for president in 1996 and finished fifth in Iowa, all the profiles written of him included the line “Even his friends don’t like him.” Self-righteous and strident, Gramm demonized his opponents and used bitter, polarizing rhetoric. During a Senate debate over Social Security, a member pointed out that the proposal under consideration would hurt 80-year-old retirees. “Most people don’t have the luxury of living to be 80 years old,” Gramm scoffed, “so it’s hard for me to feel sorry for them.” Well, there is that."

I think we lost this guy many days too late! Good riddance.

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