Monday, July 14, 2008

The Fannie Freddie Fiasco

Someone pinch me, cause I know I just dreamt that the White House plans to finance the FAT MINDED, FAT POCKETED, Fannie and FreddieMac, out of their BILLION dollar slump. Good lord, how have we allowed these bumbling idiots to stay at the helm? Pharmaceuticals have to love this....half of America is running for the medicine cabinet for something to help choke this bitter crap down. But just when you think, wow, they really don't get it....their asking congress to raise the national debt limit which is already at $5trillion. It really does give me a stomach ache. How can we put a stamp of solvency on grossly mismanaged corporate empires effectively giving them back their winter cottages in the Alps, and think that this will CALM the public and inspire confidence in the markets? Is the average American market investor that stupid? Just explain in 2nd grade terms HOW these companies can LEND money to poor risky candidates, then FORECLOSE on these families, then be stuck with tons of devaluing properties, lose the confidence of their own investors, then stand with their manicured palms out to a dirty government for the hand out that struggling (whining) AMERICA will have to pay for......
And I think about Obama and McCain and holy cow .....WHAT big DUMMY WANTS TO INHERIT THIS nasty MONSTER? I think it sounds like Roy Scheider, "Your gonna need a bigger boat!"

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