Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hmm...Vice President.

I know I wouldn't be suitable for the job, since the skeleton in my Democratic closet is that I think Ron Paul hung the friggin moon ( a point which I'm certain causes small dust storms in my Union Father's Urn! I'm sorry, Dad.) But back to the choices...It can NOT be Hillary, she's TOO big for the ticket, she has too much money, and for some of us, her past is just too suspicious. The other obvious contender is John Edwards, but I'm really still very angry at the way he just FELL OUT of the race as if my donations were NOTHING. Joe Biden is really very interesting, and I like that he has such tragedy shoring him up personally, but he isn't magnetic enough. Neither of the women senators & governors mentioned do it for me, HOWEVER I really do like Gov. Sebelius, she reminds me of a High School Principal. I could vote for Chuck Hagel, really I could. I don't care that he's a republican, but I think his party would hire outside help to destroy him if he crossed over...that will never do. So the only potentially viable candidate left that is qualified, dignified, and vetted ad nauseaum is Bill Richardson. And can we not say with all honesty that the new facial hair he sporting these days is muy guapo. si? He's the man. Of course I'm just begging for a grassy knoll event putting a latino and black man up for the BIG job, huh? Whoever, I say Good luck to all of these guys, in fact, this is the craziest time I have ever seen in this country....who knows what may happen next?


Anonymous said...

Al Gore for VP!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hillary for Attorney General

Michelle said...

I could go with Gore as VP but you know he wont budge from his google/yahoo dynasty... Hillary would make an excellent Att Gen, just keep her away from Sec of Defense or State.... She's too mean. I want to know, Do you make more money in cabinet positions than Senate spots??

Anonymous said...

Cabinet members of the Executive Branch $150,000 (

Senate members: $169,300
