Thursday, June 12, 2008

Is this OUR Supreme Court?

Supreme court has ruled over the detainees at Guantanamo, and in their favor.......
Wait a second, OUR Court Supreme actually voted to uphold Habeas Corpus, and the right to not be held without charges? DID THE ZOMBIE POWDER WEAR OFF or what? I'm getting almost giddy with anticipation of...I don't know, INTEGRITY, coming from the highest court in the land. Don't get me wrong I will NEVER forgive them for 2000 election debacle over the Florida Voting Recounts, but I'll be the first in line to let them try to MAKE ME FORGET how truly unlawful this bunch of ragtag icky judges really are. Wow, just think, some of these "enemy combatants" will actually get a chance to show their US Birth Certificates to a court of LAW! Happy Day, and it only took 7 years! Next thing you know their going to launch the IMPEACHMENT ARTICLES, and then Criminally charge Rummy, Dick and that ol' Bush.

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