Wednesday, December 19, 2007


I've gotten into the habit of doing it. I've voted since 1980. I missed one governors race , and it cost me big. It was Texas, and a NOBODY was running against our beloved Ann Richards (RIP girl)....the jackass won, and has been haunting me ever since. Funny but no one could figure out HOW this guy did it. It wasn't televised in Texas, like the 2000 Presidential debacle, where it became crystal clear how he was taking (actually stealing) the votes.
"W" is my burden.
He embarrasses me with all the swaggers and smirks, that convince the world that Texans are really like that. Well, there are swaggering cowboys here, but most of them understand the need to think before they speak, if they speak to you at all. Why does George speak? I get this hollow feeling every time I watch him open his smirk er. My God, has it been 14 years that I've been suffering my certainly that's torture.

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