Saturday, December 29, 2007

Yes Mother, No

Well, mother has forbidden me to see The Golden Compass. She said it was written by an English Atheist, and his intent is to KILL GOD in the minds of children.
"WOW!" I thought, if that isn't the best way to scare me back into the theaters, then I really don't know what is. And my kids... Hmm, should I leave my 3 children out of this and just defy my mother on my own? I am only 46 years old, so I don't really know all the acts of defiance I still have left up my sleeves. Should I be role modeling oppositional behavior for my kids? Maybe I should go alone, just in case it really KILLS GOD in the minds of children. If mother is right, I'm so immature that it should do the trick in my mind instantly. I think before I go, I'll say a little prayer, just in case God is gone when I exit the theatre.
OH Dear God, Please forge into my childlike mind these absurd confrontations with my mother, so that as I flounder into my own elder hood, I will not burden my fully grown children with my long winded shortsighted parental counsel. And please, God, forgive me for flirting with atheistic intent thereby dishonoring my parent inspite of your bad.
That should take care of things. Now, off to the movies!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


I've gotten into the habit of doing it. I've voted since 1980. I missed one governors race , and it cost me big. It was Texas, and a NOBODY was running against our beloved Ann Richards (RIP girl)....the jackass won, and has been haunting me ever since. Funny but no one could figure out HOW this guy did it. It wasn't televised in Texas, like the 2000 Presidential debacle, where it became crystal clear how he was taking (actually stealing) the votes.
"W" is my burden.
He embarrasses me with all the swaggers and smirks, that convince the world that Texans are really like that. Well, there are swaggering cowboys here, but most of them understand the need to think before they speak, if they speak to you at all. Why does George speak? I get this hollow feeling every time I watch him open his smirk er. My God, has it been 14 years that I've been suffering my certainly that's torture.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Omaha tragedy

I am saddened by the loss of loved ones in the Mall. They were impossibly innocent. What a tragedy. This young man was horribly ill. From the reports it seems that no one could get their heads around that. Isn't it always the case, that the mentally disturbed are ignored consistently, underserved repeatedly, and then disowned completely when they do something to strike back. Nebraska said it is their policy to sort of "step back" when a kid gets old enough to leave their system. But they stepped back and let him fall out into NOTHING. No parents to take him home, no safe house to turn to, no mentor or councelor to see him through it. He was still ill, apparent now, huh. We need to stop failing these kids. We need to own this one.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Cheney first....

Colbert is Brilliant

Newbie Blogger

Yes, I'm new to blogging here. But I think it is important to note, that I am not NEW to communicating, debating, opinionating, and postulating, or reconsidering. I'm guilty of being a little "too earthy and very forward"...but I won't apologize for being me. I will and do apologize for hurting the feelings of those around me. So if my gritty way of putting it out there, hurts your feelings, I do mean this....I AM SORRY. Here's a tissue...:)

Escape the Escalade

There's one more Escalade on the street where I live. It's big, new and looks very expensive. Yes, that snooty woman said she'd NEVER be a "mini van" type. I love the ones that say that, eyebrows raised and smiling at me, as I beep the locks on my sweet 5 year old minivan, and stroll thoughtfully away.
One night I'm gonna sneak down to her house and put a sign up in her yard that says,
"Fuck the Polar bears! They're FAT!"
But I have to put my "I want my country back" sign up first,
And I need to get my kids passports finished,
And we need to start the Berlitz "Speak French in a Day" tapes too.
I think these Escalade and Hummer girls here in this neighborhood wink at each other because they have agreed in some secret sorority pact that paying more money in gas shows their social status better than their picture on the society page here. Both of these gals here on my street have less than 2 kids each. Why can't they drive the nice Lexus Sedan? Because it doesn't make enough of a statement! That's right. Of course, I don't know EXACTLY what their statement is. I don't belong to that Sorority. Because....I Wasn't asked.