Saturday, July 11, 2009

Passing of the King

Sad ending for a tragic life. I enjoyed his music, but his life was a train wreck. Odd and spectacular, constantly eyebrow raising, you couldn't help but watch it. Like a Kubrick flick, enthralling and repulsive. There is no way the world will ever know the real MJ. It is apparent that he didn't really know him either. That his kids loved him, well, John Wayne Gacy's children loved him too. That's just the way it works. I think basically MJ was a gentle soul, thrown into a viscious profession at a tender age. I think he was fascinated at the way the public devoured his persona, and spent his life experimenting with and manipulating the press. I think he was obsessed with childhood, having lost his own to his career. I think the child in him sought out other children to share his wonderland, but the man he had become was warped and misguided. We will never know for certain, whether he was truly pedophilic, or just a damaged needy child in a grown up world. Whichever, the successes of his life time will forever be marred by the accusations of child abuse that accompanied them.

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