Monday, August 25, 2008

Michelle Obama is MONEY BABY!

Holy cow, what a girl. If you didn't have an opinion one way or another about this girl, you do after her DNC speech. She did what no woman has done, (well with Ann Richards a close second...) ever. She was articulate, real, heartfelt, and graceful. I never once felt like I was being preached to by a "black woman" or a "Harvard Law student". I really did feel like she was being herself, a mom, a wife, a hard earned career girl, with a loving mother to nanny her girls while she did it. What a beautiful speech. I was moved by it, and I KNOW a lot of other people watching were as well. I think for the first time that I can remember Chris Matthews actually humbled himself in her wake.
WAY TO GO MICHELLE. You've given the Clinton's a fine act to have to follow. I hope they can rise to the task and drive this game into overtime.

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