Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What the Democrats AREN'T saying...

OK, unity is great. Let's get together,yeah yeah yeah.... And it is so good to know the Obama story as told by the Missus. What a fantastic speech that was! But I want to know why the dems aren't asking:
What about the torture?
What about the undisclosed logs Cheney refuses to give to the officials?
What about the Military incompetence running rampant in the Airforce & Army?
How about the problems with our FDA uninspected contaminated food supply?
What about the media, promoting Ann Coulter who publicly calls our former president a homosexual, and nobody sues her for defamation of character?
What about the congressional reform that will stop anyone employed in the congressional offices from taking a job with a lobbying group?
Hey, how about not allowing a person employed by any Federal oversight commission such as FDA, USDA, EPA to have been on the payroll of conflicting interests, such as US Cattlemens Assoc, or Agribusinesses, or the Pharmaceutical companies?
How are we going to secure our ports?
How will we get the profiteering mortgage giants off of the US GOVERNMENT TEET?
Are these questions getting any airtime? Why not?

Monday, August 25, 2008

Michelle Obama is MONEY BABY!

Holy cow, what a girl. If you didn't have an opinion one way or another about this girl, you do after her DNC speech. She did what no woman has done, (well with Ann Richards a close second...) ever. She was articulate, real, heartfelt, and graceful. I never once felt like I was being preached to by a "black woman" or a "Harvard Law student". I really did feel like she was being herself, a mom, a wife, a hard earned career girl, with a loving mother to nanny her girls while she did it. What a beautiful speech. I was moved by it, and I KNOW a lot of other people watching were as well. I think for the first time that I can remember Chris Matthews actually humbled himself in her wake.
WAY TO GO MICHELLE. You've given the Clinton's a fine act to have to follow. I hope they can rise to the task and drive this game into overtime.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

McCain just can't WIN!!

I just had to post this beauty. It really does sum up the way that I have felt about this senator all along. This just puts the proof BACK into the puddin. Go O!

Well Mitt loves Barack!

If John McCain runs Mitt Romney as his VP, I hope all of my blogfriends post this little blip OVER AND OVER AND OVER....until Bill O'Rielly himself shows up at their doors with a baseball bat. I'm running it front and center. Gotta love it!

Excepting the Lies

If, like me, you have come to recognize the inflammatory and derogatory nature of Fox, then are you also confused about WHY we allow them airtime? I am consistently amazed and appalled when I see clips from their antics on Trust me when I say that I would rather roll in cow dung before I actually tuned FOX in on the TV. But still, I just don't get it. The preponderance of propaganda, all backed if not initiated by the highest levels of a corrupt government. WOW, I remember the stories from my childhood about the Kremlin and the KGB. How I never really could understand why the smart Russians didn't do something about it....thinking that there really must be a bunch of dummies in the USSR. And now I sit here in complete stupification, watching it happen, unable to stop it, warring with myself over just how dumb an American I really am. So now, in my lame attempt to ease the self respect of my inner child, I must sincerely apologize to all of the Russians, smart and stupid alike, for years of disrespect and contempt.
That done, I am still contemplating the best way to adjust to the misinformation that has become the standard for our once stunningly adept debate machine, the US Media. I suppose I should become an activist in defense of the Internet...the only information source left, where you can find the truth if you LOOK for it. I have found a promising resource in The American News Project. I will continue to pass the word, and hope that someone, somewhere can put together a plan to recover our unbiased or at least evenly distributed sources for REAL information.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Obama will prevail

I don't care how many obscure pollsters print a McCain lead. OBAMA will prevail. The media is doing EVERYTHING it possibly can to make this look like a close race. IT IS NOT. The media is pulling out the stops to portray Obama as vague and shallow and unvetted. I'm sorry, but I'm not buying it.
I remember him taking the stage at the DNC, and I was mesmerized. He was humble and confident at the same time. He was sincere and affable. We loved him then, and he is not one bit different today. He has been vetted through life experiences followed by an abundance of wise choices. He has always been well received in his community, his state and our congress. The press can spin until they fall down, but we must always remember that WE KNOW WHAT WE KNOW. Barack Obama is an opportunity for "something completely different." He will become the president. And we can all be proud to have been a part in seeing this done.
DON'T buy anything that you know in your gut is NOT TRUE. Put your signs out into your yards, and KNOW, he will be our champion.