Friday, February 15, 2008


First let me offer my deep sadness, and sympathy to all the families of these kids. It is horrible.

Listening to the posters elaborate on the "why" of this terrible shooting. I am constantly amazed at the lack of insight, and connection. It is almost as if the posters personify the college dynamic. THIS IS the problem. This inability to connect to the undercurrents, and in some cases undertows, of society. These students are no more miserable than most 17-24 year olds. It is difficult to embrace adulthood, especially if you are unimpressed with the ones you've grown up with! Add to this the seductive allure of the media and the instant press, and it screams out 15 MINUTES OF FAME, BABY!!! This is my answer for "why the shootings". But the madness that drives them, that is different.

I suspect that as a society we have been terrorized by the media, right into our rabbit holes. There exists an undercurrent of fearfullness, that we carry with us throughout our day. Is there danger around the corner, nextdoor, in our home? I don't know, but someone did abandon a newborn in a trashcan last night in San Antonio. Someone did bury 2 of their own kids under their house last month. Someone silently took a beautiful girl right out from under her friends nose in Las Vegas, and she hasn't been found (even after they've interviewed the 100 registered sex offenders within a mile of the crime scene....100!!) Someone murdered and burned a pregnant marine. Some rich couple got caught enslaving a young girl, after 2 years. Someone beat to death the mother of his own child, right infront of that child, and he was a cop. Someone tortured and angry, shot all of those beautiful kids at Virginia Tech. All the faces of children on were bullied to death by someone. And the list goes on and on and on. Truth or not, it sounds to me like we're getting terrorized by our own media. Reasonably, a 20 year old that IS NOT staying drunk, stoned, or taking aderall for kicks, might see the world as a veritable killing field.

Hey, even my crazy sweet old mother is afraid to let my kids play in the front yard! (A stalker might see them! Drive by shooter! Pedophile, kidnapper, slaver, whatever! And she called me just now to tell me about the shootings, and to lock my door!!!) These reports of violence, cold hearted, cold blooded, heartless, remorseless, are deafening. You can't hear anything else. You have to seriously manipulate your connection to the world news, to filter out the hatred and visciousness. That is if you expect to hear something better. Our college kids have been listening to nothing but this since reaching sentient adulthood. Wow, that's a helluva way to grow up. I think we owe them better.

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