Thursday, February 7, 2008

Ancient Chinese Secret, huh?

Acupuncture? Well, I did it. I finally went to an acupuncturist, after over a year of pain. And it is insane, I'm sure. It is ALL in my head, I'm certain. It is my mind overruling my body, of course. I'm too suggestible, indeed. And I don't care. I think it is simply, strangely effective. My experience doesn't need to be backed by scientific proof anyway.
Now, Don't believe the bits of hype that say it doesn't hurt at all. It was uncomfortable for me. The needles go in without any pain, but when he twists them into position, for me it was like the dentist shots. But quicker.
I went to this highly recommended Chinese doctor when my regular physicians could not help me through painful hips, low back, and lower abdomen. Doctor Ho place needles from my big to up to my knees, and a couple in my right hand. The first night after treatment I was worse than before. He had put these seeded adhesives in my earlobes and told me to pinch them when the pain was extreme. It didn't seem to work (and my lobes feel bruised now.)
The second treatment I had to DRAG myself to, since I was in increased pain AND I just didn't LIKE those needles. But he put the needles in my stomach this time and, that wasn't too bad. Then he twisted them and asked me if I felt anything. I said, "yeah, I feel a needle poking into my belly? What am I suppose to feel?"
He smiled and nodded and said, "you'll know." And a second later I felt this rush of heat and stimulation from my abs down my left hip, bone deep all the way to my knee.
"WOW," I told him. He smiled, and said enthusiastically, "I told you you would know!" I left there feeling better, though I still had low abdominal ache, it was better. I notice around 7 that evening that I was in a good mood for no apparent reason. That night I fell asleep without any meds, even though I still had some aching.
I am sitting here at my computer today, feeling better than I have in over a year. I have gone to a cardio workout class and a yoga class today, and I'm still in a good mood. I haven't had to squeeze my ears today either. All I can say is "WOW" why didn't I do this a year ago?
If you are struggling with pain, while you are waiting to see a specialist, or a physician of any kind to figure out what is wrong with you, consider acupuncture. I can't guarantee that it will work for anyone, but it worked for me. So far so good.

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