Friday, January 25, 2008

Pelosi Squatting in Office

Squatting is the best I can call it. WHO does Nancy Pelosi think she's kidding? SHE does absolutely nothing for the people she vowed to represent. An Economic Stimulus package that DENIES basic support for the poor? That fixes nothing, and won't take affect until June?? What a byotch! This from the same mouth that said "Impeachment is off the table!" I say, "Shut up lazy loser!" You have no spine. You should spend as much time in the confessional as you do in the mirror. You sold out your state, and now your screwing the nation. What a disappointment. And while I'm waxing politica, does anyone else see the irony of BILL CLINTON the first black white president, bashing OBAMA the first black white candidate? Priceless, yes?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Israel SMIRKs Iran!

I would like to know why our country refuses to stand down and behave in the middle east. I would like to understand what authority we claim when we DEMAND things of these middle eastern countries. I would like to understand HOW legally we can invade these countries. I would like to know where the WMD are now. I would like to know WHO in the world trusts US Intelligence or the US Executive branch, after everything they've bungled so far. These are the facts as I know them......
Under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), a country has the right to enrich its own fuel for civil nuclear power, under inspection from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
Iran says it is simply doing what it is allowed to do. It argues that it needs nuclear power and wants to control the whole process itself. It says it will not break its obligations under the NPT and will not use the technology to make a nuclear bomb.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has repeatedly stressed that Iran will not yield to international pressure, and he has denounced the US as "tyrannical".
"The Iranian nation will not succumb to bullying, invasion and the violation of its rights," he has said.
I may be crazy, but this sounds more reasonable than ANYTHING that Bush has pontificated about at his obnoxious press conferences. I think Israel is desperate to put Iran out of nuclear business, JUST IN CASE. I think that they need US assistance, and know that they will get it from the war mongers post haste.
I have a problem with this. I also am worried that if we take military action in Iran, that Bush can declare a state of National emergency and delay the 2008 election. I don't think this has ever been done before, but then, the supreme court never threw out National election ballots before Bush either. Buckle up, with Smirk and crew ANYTHING can happen.


I am truly heartless. I got a call from my 21 year old niece, asking me what I had done to her grandmother ( yep, mother is up to her tricks again!) Well, I hadn't had a note worthy disagreement with mother, except...she did come by a couple of days ago to ask me to go on the internet and pay an overdue bill for her. I said sure, so she handed me her discover card, and a bill. Problem was it was her Discover bill!! Apparently she wasn't buying my explanation that you can not pay your credit card bill using the said credit card. She got a little frustrated BECAUSE said she, "You have done this for me before! Why are you not going to do it now?"
It is laughable, isn't it. That I sit here in my chaotic child infested, dog run, staring wild eyed at a semi NUT, thinking if I get upset, she'll start crying, if I laugh, she'll get angry, if I walk away, she'll follow. But I chose the middle ground. I smiled patiently and said, "Mother, write a check for it. Send it late, it's OK. LOOK! I have a stamp right here!" The little bit of enthusiasm at the end seemed to do the trick, and she wrote her check, and used the little stamp, and was on her merry, fuzzy way. APPARENTLY, that was just my take, since she proceeded home to call my sister (350 miles away) and weep over my calloused nature, and how I'd hurt her feelings. Wait, I'm betting she used the "she cut me to the core" comment, (it comes with a hand on the chest and a side back tilt of the head, eyes closed of course. She does that so well you can almost see blood dripping from under her hand down the front of her duster. (By the way, she wears one, ugly with snaps down the front... but I NEVER see her dust.)

So anyway, I tell my niece that perhaps I missed something and that I'd find out and call her back. Not mentioning how cowardly of my sister not to have called me herself. So, I called mom, on the pretense of inviting her to my youngest child's first reconciliation. For those non catholics, that is the first time you get to confess all of your sins to a priest. Yessssssir...Big stuff. She was delighted (as I knew she would be) and wrote it down on her St. Anthony's pocket calendar. Then she asked me for directions to the local French restaurant, and I looked it up for her, and told her how to get there. And well, it was just a pleasant little chat. Ok, talk to you later!

I called my niece back the moment I hung up. "Looks like the joke is on Sissy!!!" I say, "Mom doesn't even remember she's mad at me!! Nah nana nana nah!" Of course, now I get to take my mother to a reconciliation Event, and listen to her tell me how special it all is, for the gazillionth time. So why exactly I'm doing the booty dance, I can't say. Someday. Someday she's going to find out that I'm really a Quaker, and then I don't even know what kind of catholic mother guilt she's going to broadside me with. I'm sure she knows all about self flagellation. Shiver...

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Bride of the Antichrist?

Ann Icky Coulter is!!! In Godless, Ann Coulter criticized the four 9/11 widows known as the "Jersey Girls, writing:
These broads are millionaires, lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by grief-arazzis. These self-obsessed women seemed genuinely unaware that 9/11 was an attack on our nation and acted as if the terrorist attacks happened only to them. ... I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much ... the Democrat ratpack gals endorsed John Kerry for president ... cutting campaign commercials... how do we know their husbands weren't planning to divorce these harpies? Now that their shelf life is dwindling, they'd better hurry up and appear in Playboy."[81]
These statements received national attention after an interview on The Today Show, and were widely criticized.[82][83][dead link][84][85][dead link][86][87] Coulter refused to apologize, and responded, "I feel sorry for all the widows of 9/11...[but] I do not believe that sanctifies their political message....They have attacked Bush, they have attacked Condoleezza Rice, they're cutting campaign commercials for Kerry. But we can't respond because their husbands died . . . I think it's one of the ugliest things the left has done...this idea that you need some sort of personal authenticity in order to make a political point..."[88][89]
No commentary necessary here!!!!m.

Comatosa recipe

We celebrated New Years Eve in our newest tradition, in bed by 10pm. Ever so slightly stirred by the sound of bottle rockets at midnight. Mmm, or is it zzzzzzzooogood. New Years Day was new, however, since I had champagne but no orange juice for my traditional Mimosa. So this year I polished off my spumanti with a new creation. I call this pretty thing the
3parts champagne,
1part cointreau,
1part vodka,
dash of cranberry juice
and a splash of roses lime.

It can be stirred, shaken, or gargled and re poured for all you will care. By 5pm all you need is for your spouse, (or any other responsible adult) to come find you and administer a shot of atropine into the chest of your prone body. I think I should hang the syringe around the champagne glass like a wine marker...just to be safe. Isn't THAT drinking responsibly! HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL!