Friday, October 3, 2008

THIS is not MY COUNTRY anymore!

I am absolutely shocked at the audacity of these Politicians. OBAMA, BIDEN, and MCCAIN, plus ALL THE REST THAT VOTED 'Yes' to the BAILOUT. It is still a Wallstreet Bailout, no matter how they want to spin it. IT is the single most dispicable thing I have ever witnessed. STEALING from the middle classes to pay for the excesses of the VERY VERY RICH. I will not be voting in any congressman that voted 'yes' to this, and neither should you. THESE men and women had access to the BEST economic advise our great educational institutes could offer. THEY still did not stand up for the people of this country. THE US SENATE took care of itself, and then BRIBED the US CONGRESS to do the same. YOU NEED TO FIND OUT IF ANY OF YOUR CONGRESSMEN AND SENATORS VOTED to sell out your children, and grandchildren...if so, vote them out and set out to repeal this bill before it is too late. THIS IS ELITISM AT IT FINEST, and any politician that voted for it is SHOWING where his/her loyalty lies. Petition, picket, write, and call, ad nauseum till you get you point across.

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