Saturday, May 10, 2008

Secret Ingredients, my *#@$!!

Well I've decided that the reason home grown vegetables are soooooooo much tastier than store bought is the specially added secret ingredient. Yes, this mysterious little something that will never be added by the agribusinesses and megafarms, can only be found in home gardens and small market gardens.

What is it??? It's SWEAT.

I gardened today before high noon and still deposited at least 1 pint of sweat into the soil as I pruned, weeded, and thinned my darlings. I figure a pint every day or two, is quite a sizable amount, and should obviously by considered when figuring what you used to fertilize your home garden. Interesting enough, there are tons of electrolytes as well as anti microbial found in human sweat. PLUS, the addition of sweat to my garden makes me one helluva recycler, huh. Watch, now none of my friends will want my tomatoes....

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